Kubernetes - 备份还原(纯净版)
kubectl get deploy $app -o yaml导出来的yaml里面存在部分无效信息,例如
- [ status ]
- [ metadata, uid ]
- [ metadata, selfLink ]
- [ metadata, resourceVersion ]
- [ metadata, creationTimestamp ]
- [ metadata, generation ]
- [ metadata, annotations, "kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration" ]
- [ metadata, annotations, "deployment.kubernetes.io/revision" ]
- [ metadata, annotations, "analysis.crane.io/resource-recommendation" ]
- [ spec, template, metadata, creationTimestamp ]
- [ spec, template, metadata, annotations, "kubectl.kubernetes.io/restartedAt" ]
# 定时备份
k8s_clusters="dev prod"
date=$(date "+%Y%m%d")
mkdir -p ${path}
for k8s_cluster in ${k8s_clusters}
/usr/local/bin/kubexporter --config /etc/kubexporter/config.yaml --kubeconfig /root/.kube/${k8s_cluster} --target ${path}/${k8s_cluster}/${date}
# print a summary
summary: true
# print progress (bar|simple|none)
progress: bar
# create an archive
archive: true
# define a single namespace (default all)
# define the number of parallel worker
worker: 1
# export as lists
asLists: false
# enable pagination on queries (only supported when asLists = false)
#queryPageSize: 1000
# clear the target directory before exporting
clearTarget: true
# # list all kinds to be excluded
- ComponentStatus
# - ConfigMap
- Endpoints
- Event
- LimitRange
- Namespace
- Node
# - PersistentVolume
# - PersistentVolumeClaim
- Pod
- PodTemplate
- ReplicationController
- ResourceQuota
# - Secret
# - Service
- ServiceAccount
- acme.cert-manager.io.Challenge
- acme.cert-manager.io.Order
- admissionregistration.k8s.io.MutatingWebhookConfiguration
- admissionregistration.k8s.io.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
- analysis.crane.io.Analytics
- analysis.crane.io.Recommendation
- apiextensions.k8s.io.CustomResourceDefinition
- apiregistration.k8s.io.APIService
- apisix.apache.org.ApisixClusterConfig
- apisix.apache.org.ApisixConsumer
- apisix.apache.org.ApisixPluginConfig
- apisix.apache.org.ApisixRoute
- apisix.apache.org.ApisixTls
- apisix.apache.org.ApisixUpstream
- apps.ControllerRevision
# - apps.DaemonSet
# - apps.Deployment
- apps.ReplicaSet
# - apps.StatefulSet
- autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler
- autoscaling.cloud.tencent.com.HorizontalPodCronscaler
- autoscaling.crane.io.EffectiveHorizontalPodAutoscaler
- autoscaling.crane.io.EffectiveVerticalPodAutoscaler
- autoscaling.crane.io.Substitute
- backup.tke.cloud.tencent.com.Backup
- backup.tke.cloud.tencent.com.BackupStorageLocation
- backup.tke.cloud.tencent.com.DeleteBackupRequest
- backup.tke.cloud.tencent.com.Restore
- backup.tke.cloud.tencent.com.Schedule
# - batch.CronJob
- batch.Job
- cdi.kubevirt.io.CDI
- cert-manager.io.Certificate
- cert-manager.io.CertificateRequest
- cert-manager.io.ClusterIssuer
- cert-manager.io.Issuer
- certificates.k8s.io.CertificateSigningRequest
- chaos-mesh.org.AWSChaos
- chaos-mesh.org.AzureChaos
- chaos-mesh.org.BlockChaos
- chaos-mesh.org.DNSChaos
- chaos-mesh.org.GCPChaos
- chaos-mesh.org.HTTPChaos
- chaos-mesh.org.IOChaos
- chaos-mesh.org.JVMChaos
- chaos-mesh.org.KernelChaos
- chaos-mesh.org.NetworkChaos
- chaos-mesh.org.PhysicalMachine
- chaos-mesh.org.PhysicalMachineChaos
- chaos-mesh.org.PodChaos
- chaos-mesh.org.PodHttpChaos
- chaos-mesh.org.PodIOChaos
- chaos-mesh.org.PodNetworkChaos
- chaos-mesh.org.RemoteCluster
- chaos-mesh.org.Schedule
- chaos-mesh.org.StatusCheck
- chaos-mesh.org.StressChaos
- chaos-mesh.org.TimeChaos
- chaos-mesh.org.Workflow
- chaos-mesh.org.WorkflowNode
- cloud.tencent.com.NginxIngress
- cloud.tencent.com.TkeServiceConfig
- cls.cloud.tencent.com.LogConfig
- configuration.konghq.com.IngressClassParameters
- configuration.konghq.com.KongClusterPlugin
- configuration.konghq.com.KongConsumer
- configuration.konghq.com.KongIngress
- configuration.konghq.com.KongPlugin
- coordination.k8s.io.Lease
- discovery.k8s.io.EndpointSlice
- ensurance.crane.io.AvoidanceAction
- ensurance.crane.io.NodeQOSEnsurancePolicy
- ensurance.crane.io.PodQOSEnsurancePolicy
- enterprise.gloo.solo.io.AuthConfig
- events.k8s.io.Event
- flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io.FlowSchema
- flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io.PriorityLevelConfiguration
- gateway.solo.io.Gateway
- gateway.solo.io.RouteOption
- gateway.solo.io.RouteTable
- gateway.solo.io.VirtualHostOption
- gateway.solo.io.VirtualService
- gloo.solo.io.Proxy
- gloo.solo.io.Settings
- gloo.solo.io.Upstream
- gloo.solo.io.UpstreamGroup
- metrics.k8s.io.NodeMetrics
- metrics.k8s.io.PodMetrics
- monitor.tencent.io.CustomMetrics
- monitoring.coreos.com.Alertmanager
- monitoring.coreos.com.AlertmanagerConfig
- monitoring.coreos.com.PodMonitor
- monitoring.coreos.com.Probe
- monitoring.coreos.com.Prometheus
# - monitoring.coreos.com.PrometheusRule
- monitoring.coreos.com.ServiceMonitor
- monitoring.coreos.com.ThanosRuler
# - networking.k8s.io.Ingress
- networking.k8s.io.IngressClass
- networking.k8s.io.NetworkPolicy
- networking.tke.cloud.tencent.com.EIPClaim
- networking.tke.cloud.tencent.com.LoadBalancerResource
- networking.tke.cloud.tencent.com.NodeENIConfig
- networking.tke.cloud.tencent.com.VpcENI
- networking.tke.cloud.tencent.com.VpcIP
- networking.tke.cloud.tencent.com.VpcIPClaim
- node.k8s.io.RuntimeClass
- policy.PodDisruptionBudget
- policy.PodSecurityPolicy
- prediction.crane.io.ClusterNodePrediction
- prediction.crane.io.TimeSeriesPrediction
- ratelimit.solo.io.RateLimitConfig
- rbac.authorization.k8s.io.ClusterRole
- rbac.authorization.k8s.io.ClusterRoleBinding
- rbac.authorization.k8s.io.Role
- rbac.authorization.k8s.io.RoleBinding
- scheduling.k8s.io.PriorityClass
- snapshot.storage.k8s.io.VolumeSnapshot
- snapshot.storage.k8s.io.VolumeSnapshotClass
- snapshot.storage.k8s.io.VolumeSnapshotContent
- storage.k8s.io.CSIDriver
- storage.k8s.io.CSINode
- storage.k8s.io.CSIStorageCapacity
- storage.k8s.io.StorageClass
- storage.k8s.io.VolumeAttachment
- tcfsoperator.k8s.io.Tcfs
- tcr.tencentcloudcr.com.ImagePullSecret
- velero.io.Backup
- velero.io.BackupStorageLocation
- velero.io.DeleteBackupRequest
- velero.io.DownloadRequest
- velero.io.PodVolumeBackup
- velero.io.PodVolumeRestore
- velero.io.ResticRepository
- velero.io.Restore
- velero.io.Schedule
- velero.io.ServerStatusRequest
- velero.io.VolumeSnapshotLocation
# list fields that should be removed for all resources before exported; slices are also traversed
- [ status ]
- [ metadata, uid ]
- [ metadata, selfLink ]
- [ metadata, resourceVersion ]
- [ metadata, creationTimestamp ]
- [ metadata, generation ]
- [ metadata, labels, "app.kubernetes.io/instance" ]
# - [ metadata, namespace ]
- [ metadata, annotations, "kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration" ]
- [ metadata, annotations, "deployment.kubernetes.io/revision" ]
- [ metadata, annotations, "analysis.crane.io/resource-recommendation" ]
- [ spec, template, metadata, creationTimestamp ]
- [ spec, template, metadata, annotations, "kubectl.kubernetes.io/restartedAt" ]
- [ spec, template, metadata, annotations, "restart-by-koderover" ]
- [ spec, template, metadata, annotations, "updated-by-koderover" ]
- [ spec, template, spec, containers, terminationMessagePath ]
- [ spec, template, spec, containers, terminationMessagePolicy ]
- [ spec, template, spec, securityContext ]
- [ spec, template, spec, schedulerName ]
- [ spec, template, spec, dnsPolicy ]
- [ spec, template, spec, restartPolicy]
- [ spec, template, metadata, annotations, "qcloud-redeploy-timestamp" ]
- [ spec, template, metadata, annotations, "restart-by-koderover" ]
- [ spec, template, metadata, annotations, "updated-by-koderover" ]
# kind specific excluded fields
- [ spec, clusterIP ]
# allows to exclude single instances with certain field values
- field: [ metadata, name ]
# the value is compared to the string representation of the actual kind value
values: [ exclude-me-1, exclude-me-2 ]
- field: [ type ]
# exclude helm secrets
values: [ 'helm.sh/release', 'helm.sh/release.v1' ]
# excludes resources if the owner reference kind is excluded
considerOwnerReferences: false
# mask certain fields
# the replacement string to be used for masked fields (default '***')
replacement: '***'
# generate a checksum from the value to be masked value instead of the replacement. (supported 'md5', 'sha1', 'sha256')
checksum: ''
# kind specific fields that should be masked
- [ dataxx ]
# encrypt certain fields
# # the aes key to use to encrypt the field values. The key can also be provided via env variable 'KUBEXPORTER_AES_KEY'
# aesKey: '***'
# # kind specific fields that should be encrypted. NOTE: if the same fields or a parent branch is also masked, masking wins over encryption.
# kindFields:
# Secret:
# - [ data ]
# sort the slice field value before exporting
- [ roles ]